Tuesday 5 May 2015

Sprinting From STANLEY!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen Stanley catched up quick!!!

Congratulations!!! Stanley you got somewhere, and for my final announcement and that is not make a girl mad.

I'm Running from Stanley as fast as I can but luckily I'll have tomorrow and now to get more blog post.Me and Stanley are sprinting passed Willy, but I hope Willy the best to catch up with us please.
I don't really know if I'm making sense now but do you get me.

Stanley and Willy I'll see you at school, watch out, and be very careful about your words,Think before you act.

Girl power is coming now and it's coming quicker than ever,I am showing ladies that we can handle men and boys.
Me and my troop are ready to attack again hopefully we aim for our main target and that is Stanley,Willy his a threat so some how I got a new plan for this game.

Bye - Byeeee Boys


Anonymous said...

Just remember!

Make the posts about learning! Leave the informal posts AFTER school hours.

Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Thank for "What ever you give me",I think an idea gonna post my friends wanted ad so see ya.

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