Tuesday, 14 July 2015

#6 Brains Riddle Thursday - Holiday Riddle

Image result for radio music saves my soul
Well yes I do know it's not Thursday and yes I forgot only because I was busy during the holiday, isn't everyone?.
So if you haven't seen the last last week's riddle I remembered it.
Oh I forgot to say Hi, How has your holiday been going? anything new?.

Last last week's Riddle: What instrument you can hear but never see?

Okay I asked a couple of people I know and they answered straight away.Let's see there answers and I'll reply right back to that answer.
Image result for singing

My Mother: IDK (I don't know)

Anonymous Person: The voice

Second Anonymous Person: Your voice, you can hear it but you can't see it.
Third Anonymous Person: The radio because you can hear anything but you an't see where it's coming from.

Image result for idkMy first reply to my mom's answer.
My mom's answer was I don't know so I don't know what to reply to that but anyway she answered my riddle.
Sorry mom you were incorrect anyway you tried your best to answer.

My second reply to my first anonymous person I'm not telling who but let's see it's answer.
Image result for voiceFirst Anonymous person answered The voice. Yes that is true you can hear your voice but you can't see your voice. So anonymous person you are correct and thanks for answering even though you looked busy.

Image result for radio music
My third reply to my second anonymous person answered The radio. You can hear things from a radio but you can actually see the radio in person. So sorry you are incorrect at least you answered something instead of nothing.


Answer: Your Voice

You already get it so I don't have to explain about it so think about it.

Today's Riddle:  Tuesday, Sam and Peter went to a restaurant to eat lunch. After eating lunch, they paid the bill. But Sam and Peter did not pay the bill, so who did?

Guessing already I know,

So yeah that's all for today, have a great night, keep safe and love, peace and abundance yo'll.
Byeeeee :)


Anonymous said...


Nice to put in other guesses in which the readers would have guessed!

Great thinking used on your blog, Patosina!


Ms. Komor said...
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Ms. Komor said...

I enjoy riddles. It's a great way to practise our problem solving skills and gives us an opportunity for our brains to get exercise.
I enjoyed reading your post and to see that you made the effort to blog during your holidays. I liked how you were able to incorporate some images within your post. Yahoo!
My answer to your current riddle is written within my comment.
Use your multiples of 8 knowledge for each word to reveal the answer!
ex. The first letter of the 8th word (1 x 8 = 8) is the first letter of the answer.
Let me know if I am correct!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow Mrs Kormor! What an tremendous way of giving an answer using a code! I think...but either way what a great way savouring the answer. But yes, Pat, doing the thinking of this riddle, and reading Mrs Komor's guess, ah! Yes!

I know the answer! Just use the same rule as Mrs Komor, except with multiples of 6! Don't know why I could've just typed my guess down, but Mrs Komor's way of giving a guess is very intriguing!


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