Friday, 1 May 2015

What I Truly Think Of My Name

What I Think Of My Name?

My name is original and it was passed on to me by my Nana,I'm named after her and that's better than having a different name I'd change nothing. I think I wouldn't be the person I am today because of my name. I'm proud to say my name Patosina. When I hear my short names Pato or Sina I think the myth and Legends of Sina and the Eel of Samoa.

And pato when I wanna cry don't know why but it sometimes when you say it comes out normally to me.Other names are cool and stuff but I reckon mines top of the charts.I wanna become a pro wrestler or a Lawyer or even a Doctor but my name will still be the one and only Patosina. Some of the visitors or other people think my name is beautiful I think well you should be saying that to my lovely Nana who makes me laugh,smile and cry sometimes(not really there tears of joy).
She's the greats Nana in the world(DAD MUM)

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